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About MSEA

Minnesota School Employees Association (MSEA) is a union of nearly 7,000 classified school employees from over 70 school districts in Minnesota. 

What rights do employees gain with a union?

When a unit has elected MSEA as their Exclusive Representative (union), the employer must by Minnesota state law (Public Employees Labor Relations Act) negotiate a contract with you. This contract is binding for the period specified in the contract and can be changed only by negotiations between the union and the district. Without being recognized as an Exclusive Representative (union), your employer only needs to pay you minimum wage with time and a half after 40 hours per week. Even if your employer did give you a contract, they could change it at any time.

The members of your unit determine what issues to address in negotiations. Experienced field staff are available to assist in the negotiation process as determined by unit. MSEA also enforces the contract, helps members in processing grievances and takes those grievances to arbitration when necessary.

What benefits can employees get through unionizing?

Any issue that affects your “terms and conditions of employment” can be addressed through negotiations. Through negotiations we have been able to win many protections and benefits for our members. MSEA helps its members address the following areas:

  • Wage increases
  • Health insurance
  • Severance pay
  • Holidays
  • Personal leave
  • Seniority protection
  • Medical leave
  • Maternity leave
  • Vacations
  • Job postings
  • Grievance procedures

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